Saturday, January 23, 2010

How do you cut a bunnies nails?

My rabbit is very fidgety and his nails have gotten quite long, how should i trim them and with what?How do you cut a bunnies nails?
get a friend animal to hold her while you clip her nailsHow do you cut a bunnies nails?
Well you cut them the same way you would cut a cat or dogs nails. But if you are worried have a trainned professional cut them at the groomers.
its best to go to a vet because if your rabbit is like that you might be in the middle of trimming and your bunny moves then you have alot of blood to control as it would cut the vein thing in the nail.


I have been told that if yu cut too far you will case the rabbit pain. A vet will do it for the cost of a consultancy fee.
get a special clipper at petsmart or petco
First you need to get used to trancing your rabbit by holding him on his back like a baby, close to your body. Do not let him twist out of your arms as he will hurt his back. Have someone hold a flashlight to his nails to tell where the quick is and mark it with a perm pen. the cut halfway between the mark and the end of its nail. Repeat until you can get closer to the line over a few weeks. If you do cut the nail too short it will bleed alot but the rabbit willnot die. Use flour on the nail to stop the bleeding.
my bunnies nails grew so long and sharp that if he accidently scratched me i would start to bleed. i cut his nails with normal nail clipppers(the big ones). they also sell bunny clippers at pet stores
You use pet nail clippers but ask a veterinary nurse or surgeon to show you how to do it properly. If you do it wrong and cut too far it will bleed and be very painful because you will have severed the little bit of living flesh down the middle (i think it's called a quick or that could just be dogs.).
ask for some ones help.. you hold your rabbit up side down keep petting him and ask someone to cut them to the pink NOT in but close to the pink
you can get special clippers, or you can just use wire cutters, or regular nail clippers. you just need to hold ur rabbit in a comfortable poststion, but so that it will be easy to get to their feet. then u just need to cut the pointy curve of the nail, but not go too close to the quick(the pink ofblack part depending on the color of the rabbits nails)
haha this is under ';rodents'; ha lol... but here:鈥?/a> you dont need to go to the vets if you do it carefully, try not to cut where the blood stops and if you do, stop it with a cotton ball or ';kwik stop';
You need to go like wa-mart or a pet store. They have nail clippers for anilmals. The clippers should have a stopper on them so you can't cut down to far. Animals have skin inside thier nails, if you cut them down too far you will clip the skin and hurt them. Once you get them, have someone hold the bunny while you cut the nails, just be careful. If you cut one and the bunny is okay the do the rest at that length.
get a specal nail cotter or my mom uses a dog nail cutter on mine and you need to have some one hold him while you do and to help him stop fidgiting.try talking to him gently and when you go like ';shhhhhhhhhh'; very softly in their ears it helps them stay calm and relaxed.they will jump a little when you clip them and if you cut them too short they will BLEED!so be CARFUL!hope this helps!

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