my wife has very dry skin (shes a nurse and washes them a lot) she finally found a great lotion at Wal-Mart. its called malibu HEMP lotion, its in a brown bottle. not only is it a great lotion for dry skin she found that it made her nails grow really fast and strong.How can I make my nails grow faster and longer?
Sally Hansen has a nail strengthener that's good for this. Top it with clear nail polish. It's thick, so it makes it pretty difficult to bite through it. Plus, when you have stuff on your nails, you're less likely to even try to bite them.
put garlic on them that works great
You should use garlic everyday at anytime. That will work instanly.
Good Luck! :-)
Drink plenty of watrer and eat a balanced diet. Exercise. If your body is healthy your nails and hair will groe faster and stronger. You can but products at any drug store to strengthen your nails. Get somethin with calcium in it. Also whenever you put lotion on your hands make sure to take the extra minute to rub it into each one of your nails as well.
The only way I know is to take healthy supplements....such as extra Vitamin E, Flaxseed oil, get your Omega 3's and 6's!!! (fish oil).
there really are no remidies, you really just have to wait for them to grow on their own. your nails are like your hair, there really is no faster way
I use this stuff called Neutrogena Instant Nail Enhancer. I wouldnt say its instant, but you put it on everyday, and it really helps your nails to grow. My nails usually always break once they get past a certain point, but not since I've used this stuff. And I have also had to trim my nails a lot more. I would definitely give it a try!
it's called miracle growth, and it's a clear nailpolish, it works in a week or so........ any drug store or a cosmedics store.
when i am eating more fresh fruits and veggies, it seems like my nails grow faster. don't know why, they just do.
Take a multivitamin as well as a calcium supplement (which you should be doing anyway to maintain your general health). Putting your fingers into your mouth lets your saliva sort of break down the enamel. After a while of keeping them out of your mouth, they should grow much stronger and faster anyway. Also, keep them filed so that you don't snag them on anything and rip them before they get a chance to really grow. A lot of people keep paint on their nails to let them grow out longer, but then your nails gain a dependence for these treatments and weaken when you take the nailpolish off.
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