Friday, May 14, 2010

How can I hang up pictures without nails or thumbtacks?

I am moving into a condo and in the lease it says that I can not use nails or tacks. Any ideas on what I can use instead?How can I hang up pictures without nails or thumbtacks?
3M makes a product that is labeled under the name command. They have an adhesive on them that can be removed with no residue, or damage to the wall. They also make a tack strip that can be pressed onto the wall, and the have a tack pushed into it with no damage to the wall. These items are great if you cannot put a nail into the walls.How can I hang up pictures without nails or thumbtacks?
Use them anyway--patch the holes when you move or else take the hit on your damage deposit. They always say not to use nails or tacks, but the reality is--everybody does anyway. They have those self-hanging hooks with the adhesive backs, but I wouldn't trust them with the weight of a picture.
Check with Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart has a removeable tape with a picture hook attached.
Hercules hook, thin as a needle (sewing) and doesn't leave a hole, holds up to 75 pounds.
Try the products that are remove able by 3M. I think that's the name. They came out with removable picture hangers years ago for college students so they wouldn't destroy the walls. They are great for Christmas decorating too. Don't use fun tac cause it will leave a greasy mark on the wall.
masking tape, or tack (its this sticky type stuff)... they should have some at any office type store
get some tack from the craft store it'll work great
try using velcro, it is available @ walmart. it works good.

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