Tuesday, May 11, 2010

How do you stop biting your nails?

I have a real problem with biting my nails. I cannot find a place that carries the liquid you put on your fingers. Any tips or ideas?How do you stop biting your nails?
Biting nails have some deep roots so I suggest that you observe yourself when you start to nail bite. You maybe anxious or bored so this triggers the habit. I was a very shy boy and I also did nail biting until I read about the roots of the problem. I started to be observant on the circumstances and then because I was conscious I controlled the urge. I read from a book which the site below sold. Check it out because the book also have natural remedies.How do you stop biting your nails?
the grose tasting nail polish should be sold in your local chemist

however i didnt find that really affective

sure it tasted vile but like the taste stayed in your mouth for ages and i didnt like that so i stoped using it

basicly you just need to get some self controll

its hard at first but after the first 2 or 3 days it gets easyer because your nailes start to look nice so its like urgh this urge to pick is really bad but itl ruin the nice nale

so what i do is when ever i get the urge to pick at them i go put lip balm on

its just something else to do when i get that craving

it helps
this really works

use garlic polish it not only helps you to stop biting your nails, but it also strengts it and helps to grow.
remind yourself of the problem every time you have the urge to biteyour nails.
put nail polish on them, that always stops me

good luck :]
put gross tasting lotion on!!
me too i try putting the white medical tape to keep e from biting it
what i did was put on nail polish that tastes really bad
put soap on them :-D

basic as that

hope i helped

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