Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What is the best treatment for nails after removing acrylics?

I have recently stopped having my nails overlaid with acrylics and now they are very weak and split easily. What is the best treatment to strengthen them?What is the best treatment for nails after removing acrylics?
try using a cuticle oil 1 x daily this will stregthen the nail were it starts to grow. and apply a nail stregthner for weak nails. and also treat your self to a manicure 1 x monthlyWhat is the best treatment for nails after removing acrylics?
i would say the best thing to do , is to file them down so they are even, then use cuticle cream.

Also rub with almond oil every week.

and use a clear nail varnish. Hope this helps
patience,mine are the same.they're still splitting after months.
You can buy all sorts of expensive nail treatments, but my advice is to go to Holland and Barrett, or any other health store, and buy almond oil. Rub this liberally on your nails every night before bed and you should see them strengthening in no time :)
nail envy...is what i use, and it works really well. you can buy it almost everywhere, you just put it on and it dries really fast too :)
time honey!!! they look fab but do no Justice for your poor nails under neath!!! solar oil, fresh air your nail bed has got become hard again and the nail !!! time..... they will come back to normal will take a few months babe!!!
use a cuticle oil with vitamin E. it has brilliant healing power
patience, and alot of polish. pretty much you're waiting for new nail to grow in. in the meantime you want to keep your nails from breaking off all of the time. just add a few extra layers of polish, and be sure to polish under the nail tip too.
i agree with the rest of them. mine have been through almost 2 yrs of non-stop acrylic.i stopped getting them done about 3-4 months ago and now i have completly grown out the brittle part of it and have strong thick nails. i always lotion my hands and pay special care to my cuticles...making sure i rub some lotion in and around my nail(dont know if it works, but it helped me) but if you would like them to grow faster-eat JELL-O yup that's right, jello,the gelatin in it helps your nails grow faster since this is what it needs to grow
try putting a clear base with strengthers n keep them short......also if u want them looking nice a manicure once in a while will help
nail strengthener
theres a product called silk wrap for nails, dont know who makes it though, it helped restore my nails. eating royal jelly capsules really strengthens nails..i know what your going through, had my last acrylics done in august last year and only now have my nails recovered x
cuticle oil night and morning for a month...=)

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