Saturday, January 23, 2010

How do I get my nails to grow longer in a reasonable time???

I bite my nails occasionally when I get bored. Are there any foods or anything that will make my nails grow longer. Also, are there any good ways to keep my nails healthy? Can anyone give me tips?How do I get my nails to grow longer in a reasonable time???
Eating gummy bears will make your nails harder. No joke! Also there are certain types of nail polish that taste bitter and might help you with your habit. good luckHow do I get my nails to grow longer in a reasonable time???
keep them out of you mouth
gelitin and milk makes them grow, so gummy bears, Jello, and dairy products with milk in them.

oh and to make you stop biting your nails theres this stuff you put on them like nail polish except its clear and it tastes awful so when you bite them it tastes bad so you wont bite them.

No, nail growth is controlled by heredity.It is in the genes.
you can get this nail varnish that tastes horrible and stops you from biting them, its see through and you cud eat beans fish and eggs for protein to help grow your nail and hair, also oilve oil is good for dipping your nail in
My mom swears by this---if you can afford to get them get acrlyic tips to the length yo want your nails to grow. Leave the acrylics on until your nails reach the length of the acylics and then have them removed and start using the nail polish designed to strengthen your nails.
There is a clear nail polish by Nutra Nail and it helps make your nails grow longer in just 5 days and it makes them strong and healty. It's real cheap too and you can get it at CVS or any drugstore like that.
You can find a ';nail polish'; in the baby care section of a pharmacy or in the nail care section that, when applied to fingernails, makes the fingernails taste nasty. My sister used it and got rid of her nail biting habit.

To take care of your hands so that your nails will be strong: Make sure you only file your nails in one direction. If you saw back and forth, it will weaken your nails. Use lotion on your hands, especially at night. Rub the lotion into your cuticles to help prevent hangnails. Use only nail trimmers to trim your nails and follow this pattern: cut each side and then cut the middle. It's easier to trim your nails while they are wet and flexible, but do not file your nails until they are completely dry. Otherwise, the file will chew up your nails. Once you have them trimmed evenly, leave them alone. They'll grow quickly. At the end of two weeks, you should have beautiful strong nails. Keep taking care of your nails as I directed above and they will always be in good shape.
you can put some no bite nail polish on them 2-3 times a day, also you can use a towel and push the cuticles of your nails back everytime you get out of the shower.
O.k. first you have to stop biting your nails, lots of gross germs live under there - ick.

Go get a manicure from a quality, clean nail technician ( not a quick shop) to get things started off on the right foot.

You can use a nail strengthner BUT - and this is a big butt...

Unless you are using Creative Nail Design ';Toughen up'; as a base coat - other strengthners can dry your nails out - so if you are going to use them use them ONLY for a week or two then discontinue. ALSO use a quality cuticle oil EVERY DAY. I like Entity's Cuticle oil or Creative Nail Designs ';Solar Oil'; EVERYDAY before bed - after you are done with everything and you are going to sleep - use one drop on each nail ( doesn't matter if you have polish on or not) and rub it in. Use a quality moisturizer during the day. and BE CAREFUL with your nails. treat them like JEWELS not TOOLS ! Unfortunately- vitimins and other such claims do nothing for nails - If you understand what nails are actually - that is easy to understand. GOOD LUCK

Tickled Pink %26amp; Grey,

~Kimberly Lesser~

EXHALE Nail Studio

Valparaiso, IN

Inta Member

AEFM Trained

Creative Nail Design ';Grand Master';

EZ Flow ';Master Artist';

2006, 2007 Entity Competition Team Member

Entity Advantage Education Team Member

Entity Advantage # 58923
use hair, skin and nail vitamins after 2 days my nails grew a ton and not breakable. and my cuticles are clearing up. and I am a nail bitter also
Yeah....keep your teeth away from your nails and watch them flourish. If you allow your teeth to dance across the nail then you risk of them being tempted into chewing on them and eventually the relationship ends up broken and left in pieces to be spit out one right after another. It becomes a bad habit and lead to disfigurement.

Possibly go to a salon regularly and have a professional care for them will make them feel special.

Purchase yourself a pack of sugar free gum to chew on when the tension or boredom arises for your teeth to take it's agression out on. Drink plenty of water and take vitamins to keep them from becoming brittle.

Use rubber gloves if your hands are in dishwater or cleaners.

How would you take care of a precious flower? Treat it special and garden it carefully not with teeth!!!
I know a lady who eats yogurt everyday and she says it does seem to help keep her nails healthy. I like to put on clear nail polish (not the cheap stuff) to keep mine from chipping off. Try to not bite them as it will damage your nails.

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